Who are we?

Our Parent Teacher & Friends Association is about much more than simply fundraising. The PTFA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All families are automatically members of the Meavy PTFA committee when their child joins our school. All the money that is raised is used to make our children’s learning experiences more fulfilling and exciting, for example: outdoor play equipment, a Foundation and KS1 reading scheme, and two Bothy shelters for outdoor learning.

Charitable status

Meavy PTFA has charitable status, and a constitution, a copy of which is on the school website. Being a registered charity enables the PTFA to:-

  • receive charitable donations from local and national companies
  • apply to grant-making charitable trusts
  • receive donations made through payroll giving and company matched giving schemes
  • apply for Gift Aid

The Committee

Our PTFA committee consists of four elected Officers: Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary , a teacher representative and the Head teacher, and a number of non elected volunteers.

Our ethos is informal, and we hope that everyone will ‘muck in’! All are welcome. The Committee meets on a regular basis, usually once or twice per term, with smaller groups getting together as necessary when we are planning larger events. Our Annual General Meeting is held in September each year in the hall after pick up and lasts for half an hour or so. Children are welcome too. It is an opportunity for all parents to hear about the work of the PTFA,  the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent, and exciting plans for the coming school year. It is also when we elect our new committee members. It’s a great opportunity for new parents to see what the PTFA do, meet the elected committee members and start thinking about what things that might like to get involved in!

How we raise money

Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events are:

  • Sports Day Refreshments & BBQ
  • Christmas Fair
  • Regular Cake Sales
  • Quiz Night
  • Family Walks
  • Federation Sponsored Bike Ride
  • Refreshments at school performances and services
  • NEW for the Autumn term: School disco!