At the West Dartmoor Federation our art curriculum is designed with the intent that our children will develop an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts.
High quality art education equips children with the skills to explore, experiment, create and invent their own work of art whilst engaging, inspiring and challenging pupils. As artists, children should be able to critically evaluate their work and the work of others.
At Meavy, we aim to inspire all children to express their individuality, thoughts and ideas through a variety of creative opportunities. At our school, art is an important part of the curriculum and we aim to encourage all children to appreciate and value great works of art, including historical and contemporary art as well as artefacts and images from other cultures.
We aim for children to show an appreciation and value of art, using art as a means to promote well-being and individuality. We aim for children to create confidently, drawing on their repertoire of skills and using a range of artistic mediums. We intend for children to feel pride in their creations by celebrating children’s outcomes on display around the school sharing finished artwork with visitors at our termly Meavy Museum and through joining local artists exhibiting at a public art festival.
The curriculum is led and overseen by the art lead who liaises closely with the D&T lead. As art lead, a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice will contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further. Our art curriculum ensures coverage of the National Curriculum.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Children are assessed against the national curriculum and skills maps throughout the year. Children’s ability to meet ARE in art is reported through an annual report to parents. Each teacher will refer to the previous year’s report when assessing a child’s current achievement in art and make their own judgement. This assessment is made based on observations of the children’s skills, completed submissions of learning at the end of a unit and a teacher’s overall judgement of a child’s aptitude.
Sketchbooks will show a comprehensive coverage of specific skills and demonstrate progression for individuals and across year groups, demonstrating children’s ability to:
Make progress with skills taught and revisited.
Express themselves in a range of ways and through a range of mediums.
Reflect on their own and others artwork.
The process and development of skills is valued equally to the final product and a balance of opportunities for children to explore process and not focus solely on final products are given to ensure a clear development of skills across the year.
Meavy C of E Primary School Progression Map
Meavy C of E Primary School Rolling Programme